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Let's Get Some Info on Your Aquarium

The fish tank for your aquarium needs to be cleaned regularly, about every two weeks, particularly if you’ve got a large aquarium with a lot of fish. But there are fish tanks and then there are fish tanks. Before we schedule a visit and a cleaning for your aquatic pets’ home, we need to get some information about your setup, where it’s located and a few other details so we show up properly prepared to do the job quickly and efficiently.
Please let us know how big the tank is, where in your home it’s located – on the ground floor or up a few flights. If we need to move equipment a far distance from the parking lot, it’s best for us to know that ahead of time.

Add in details about the type of fish, the current condition of the tank, the last time it was cleaned, and the best time for us to pay a cleaning visit. If your aquarium is in an office or a waiting room, a slower day or less busy time of day may be best, and we’ll work with you to schedule the cleaning for the most convenient time possible.


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Voluntown, CT

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